
Poster Session

For University Students

Dates of the poster sessions:

March 17th Biology and Ecology Biomedicine
March 18th Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Bioinformatics
March 19th Microbiology and Biotechnology Cell Biology
March 20th Biophysics and Neurobiology Immunology Genetics High School PostersLT

Important Dates

Registration opensDecember 10th, 09:00 EET
At first, it is possible to submit a draft version, but the full, revised version must be uploaded by February 16th, 23:59 EET
Registration closesFebruary 16th, 23:59 EET
(NEW) Poster (.pdf) submissionFebruary 17th to March 7th, 23:59 EET


Please note that these abstract and poster presentation requirements must be met for your work to be accepted.

Requirements for abstracts:

Poster requirements:

Evaluation of Presentation

At the conference The COINS, your academic poster presentation will be evaluated for various criteria by leading scientists in the field, and commendable presentations will be awarded for their excellence.

(NEW) Participants will be eligible to receive one of two certificates: a Participant Certificate, awarded to all attendees who fulfill the requirements, and a Certificate of Excellence, granted to those whose performance is deemed outstanding and who receive more than 85% of the total points based on the evaluation criteria.

Here we provide the Evaluation Form. Please remember, that organizers reserve the right to make necessary changes to the evaluation form without any additional notice.

(NEW) There will also be an audience choice award. Participants at the conference can vote for the most interesting presentations, and the presentations with the most votes will receive audience choice award.

It is important to remember that the organizers may provide additional points during the poster evaluation session if:

(NEW) Poster Pitch Session

Participation in the Poster Pitch Session is optional.

By participating in this session, you will have a unique opportunity to present your research to a broader audience and compete for additional prizes!


Guidelines for making your academic poster

How to prepare for a poster session, what are the tips and tricks in making a poster, what is a good and bad poster and many more you can find in these slides (Lithuanian language only), prepared by multiple best poster award receiver, Ph.D. Vilius Malūnavičius.

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