
Where and when will the conference be held?

The conference will start on 2024 Apr 15th in Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University. More details in the program.


What is the deadline for abstract and poster submission?

All deadlines can be found in the poster session page or the oral presentation session page.

Can one student / researcher submit more than one abstract / poster?

No. One participant can submit only one abstract / poster as the first author. Nevertheless, they can be co-authors of multiple posters.

When should the abstract be submitted?

All deadlines can be found in the poster session page or the oral presentation session page.

Can I make changes to the abstract after its submission?

You will have the opurtunity to upload abstract twice. Once during registration and the second time during abstract submission period mentioned in the poster session page. The authors will not be permitted to make any changes to abstracts after their submission.

I am a VU LSC (lt. VU GMC) student. Do I have to pay a poster registration fee? Are there any additional requirements or deadlines?

With any questions concerning discounts and registration fee exemptions contact [email protected].

Can there be more than one presenter?

Yes. But we strongly recommend that there would be no more than two presenters. If there will be more than one presenter, please state that in the registration form and provide another presenter's email address. Please note that only the first author will receive the participation certificate.

When will I receive the registration confirmation and acceptance email?

You should see the registration confirmation notice right after the registration has been finalized on the www.thecoins.eu site. The final acceptance email will be sent a week after the end of the abstract submission deadline.

Are there any additional points from the organizers during poster evaluation?

Yes, there are some. In a live poster session, additional points go to presenters who provide posters to organizers in time and whose posters meet the poster size requirements. Further information can be found in the poster session page

What are the criteria during the poster evaluation process? What language should I converse with the judges?

You will be evaluated in these categories:

  • Content and organization
  • Background theory
  • Poster design
  • Oral presentation

You can find the evaluation rubric here. Note that you will have an opportunity to see the evaluation forms of your poster/oral presentation after the respectable sessions.

We require using the English language during the poster session and during the conference itself.

I changed my mind about participating in the poster session. Can I withdraw and get a full refund?

Yes, you can withdraw from the poster session and get a full refund, but only until the registration deadline. After that refund will not be possible.
To withdraw from the session, write to [email protected]. To get a full refund, please contact [email protected].

Is it necessary to be by my poster all the time during the poster session?

Yes, you must be at your poster during the poster session. If the judge or organizer does not find you, you will forfeit your right to receive the certificate of participation.

Will I get a certificate of participation in the poster session? When will I receive it?

Yes, you will receive the certificate of participation. Note that if the judge or organizer does not find you by the poster, you will forfeit your right to receive the certificate of participation.

The certificate will be sent to the email provided during the registration process no later than the week after the conference.

Can I submit the poster that was also presented at other conferences?

It would be best if you do not do that. Of course, organizers don't have the means to track all the conferences to check if your research was presented earlier using the same poster. This is where we appeal to your sense of integrity.

Also, it would be uncomfortable if the organizers did recognize your poster from a previous The COINS conference or other conferences.