Oral Presentation Session
Dates of the oral presentation sessions (there might be some changes):
Important Dates
Requirements for abstracts:
- Within one week of purchasing the ticket, you must register and upload your abstract on The COINS website to finalize your registration and be eligible for presentation sessions. Failure to do so will render your registration invalid.
- You will have the opportunity to upload the abstract twice. Once during registration, where the abstract can be written as your planned research idea. The abstract can be corrected and the final version submitted until February 16th, 23:59 EET.
- The abstract must be submitted in PDF format.
- (NEW) The abstract must be one page long.
- (NEW) The abstract must be prepared according to the given abstract template.
- The abstract must be written in clear, fluent English. The presenter is responsible for the content and the accuracy of data presented.
- If you fail to upload the final abstract, the version used during the registration will be selected automatically. If it does not follow the given abstract template, it will be rejected, and your registration will be suspended.
- Acceptance criteria for the abstracts:
- Clarity – the objectives of the research presented are clearly described;
- Significance and novelty of research;
- Methods used and described are appropriate to reach the desired objectives of the research;
- Presentation – the abstract is structured logically, clearly written, and free of grammatical errors.
- The abstract will be rejected if:
- It is not appropriate – the content of the abstract must be relevant to the life sciences;
- It is promotional – the abstract was written to promote a product or method;
- The primary author submits more than one abstract - a primary author is allowed to be the presenter of only one poster but can be a co-author of other poster presentations;
- If it does not follow the given template.
- (NEW) Presented research must be based on original work conducted by the presenter (reviews or analyses of existing studies and scientific literature are not accepted).
Requirements for presentations:
- Talks will be allotted 15 minutes total. Your presentation should last for 10-12 minutes, leaving 3-5 minutes for questions and discussion.
- Presentations must be prepared with MS PowerPoint.
- Presentations must be in English.
- The presenter must send the presentation slides to the organizers at [email protected] no later than 9th March, 23:59 EET. By doing this, you ensure that organizers have time to check whether your presentation works with the conference's computer.
At the conference The COINS, your academic oral presentation will be evaluated for various criteria by leading scientists in the field, and commendable presentations will receive audience choice award for their excellence.
(NEW) Participants will be eligible to receive one of two certificates: a Participant Certificate, awarded to all attendees who fulfill the requirements, and a Certificate of Excellence, granted to those whose performance is deemed outstanding and who receive more than 85% of the total points based on the evaluation criteria.
Here we provide the Evaluation Form. Please remember, that the organizers reserve the right to make necessary changes to the evaluation form without any additional notice.
It is important to remember that the organizers may provide additional points during the oral presentation evaluation session if:
- You send your slides in time.
- Your abstract satisfies all given requirements (see above).
- Your presentation doesn't exceed the total 15 minutes limit and you leave at least 3 minutes for questions and discussion.